Goodbye 2011...Hello 2012!

09:56 Natalie Karine 0 Comments

Goodbye 2011! You were a good year full of fun times (and some not so much) but again, I have so many new experiences and accomplishments to be proud of!

So, for this new year, I decided that I wanted to do a whole bunch of stuff! Some silly things, some more serious, but most importantly, all things that I am capable of doing and that I've been meaning to do! No point in giving yourself unattainable goals. Oh and I have a whole year to accomplish these! Most importantly, this little exercise lets me do some introspection, finding out what matters to me! ♥

I figure that if I get to do half the things on my list, things are pretty good! I already started the 1st one last week! :)

Happy New Year friends!

xoxo Natalie

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