School/kids crafts


18:02 Natalie Karine 0 Comments

Yesterday, we had an epic craft/science afternoon in grade 5. We made sunprints and the kids loved it. I used to do this activity all the time when I worked at the Canadian museum of contemporary photography and it was always a big hit. The scientific name for it is cyanotype, but it's basically special paper treated with a UV light sensitive material. It makes a print of whatever you put on it, exposing the paper that isn't covered (which is very similar to a negative film). You can purchase the paper on this website and it's so worth it! For young and old! :)

Check out the complete instructions here

Sooooooo many different compositions! WOW!
This student even cut out his favorite video game character! Awesome!

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School/kids crafts

Shrink Art Creations!

17:18 Natalie Karine 0 Comments

Hey there! We've been crafting up a storm at school this past week. The kids are all done their work for the year so I've been bringing in all my special craft supplies! The kids LOVED this project. They got to find their favorite stuff on the internet and then trace it onto their piece of Shrink Art! We had everything from kawaii cupcakes, kitties to FIFA soccer balls. Then, we added a little string and a key-ring and turned them into keychains after! Hooray!

Materials: coloring pencils, black sharpie, scissors, key-rings, hole puncher and Shrink Art (or Shrinky Dinky, found at you local craft store).

â‘  Draw your image on the rough side of your Shrink Art piece. It's it transparent, place your favorite image underneath and trace it!
â‘¡ Trace the outline with a black sharpie.
â‘¢ Cut your shape out and punch a hole. *Don't forget this step. It'll be impossible to do once it's shrunken and thicker.
④ Bake at 325°F for 30 seconds or until completely shrunken.
⑤ String it onto a key-ring and voila! You're done!

You can also check out these older post on Shrink Art: Hand Keychains and Necklaces!

All the awesome creations! Look at these little creative geniuses!

Before it gets shrunken! Amazing!

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DIY cards

DIY Hamburger Card!

08:35 Natalie Karine 0 Comments

Hey there! It's Sunday morning and it also happens to be Father's Day so why not get my craft on?! I let summertime and BBQs inspire me for these handmade cards. I even did this fun card with the kids at work too and they loved it! Some made extra cheesy-cheeseburgers and a some made burgers with 3 patties! Awesome!

✂ Colored car stock (red, orange, yellow, brown and green)
✂ Glue
✂ Scissors 
✂ Googgly eyes 

Perfectly paired with giftcards for Dad's favorite things!

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