DIY crafts
Hello there! Life is so busy right now! However, there's always time to make a friend a cake on their birthday. My friend Lindsay had one request: a white cake with sprinkles. So I thought great! simple and cute, but it's missing a little je ne sais quoi. So after a little pinterest research (it really NEVER fails) I had it! A sparkly cake topper! And since her card was a massive My Little Pony Card (hah!) I figured let's stay in this magical childhood girly theme and put a UNICORN on the cake! Yes!
â‘ Find an image you like on the web. It has to be simple, so you can type "outline" or "coloring page" in goolge. This is what I found for "unicorn coloring page":
â‘¡ Print your image on the back of your sticker sheet of sparkly paper (on the non-sparkly-side).
â‘¢ Cut it out and peel the backing.
â‘£ Place two shishkabob sticks on the sticky side and place another sheet of colorful paper as backing. The shishkabob stickes will be sandwiched between the stciker paper and the regular backing paper. Trim around edges.
⑤ Voilà ! Bake a cake and now you're all set!
Here are some yummy cupcakes I made to go a long with my magical cake! Look at the little flags made with washi tape and leftover sparkly sticker paper!
DIY Cake Topper
Hello there! Life is so busy right now! However, there's always time to make a friend a cake on their birthday. My friend Lindsay had one request: a white cake with sprinkles. So I thought great! simple and cute, but it's missing a little je ne sais quoi. So after a little pinterest research (it really NEVER fails) I had it! A sparkly cake topper! And since her card was a massive My Little Pony Card (hah!) I figured let's stay in this magical childhood girly theme and put a UNICORN on the cake! Yes!
What you'll need:
☆ the outline of your topper
☆ sparkly sticker paper
☆ computer printer
☆ 2 sishkabob sticks
☆ scissors
â‘ Find an image you like on the web. It has to be simple, so you can type "outline" or "coloring page" in goolge. This is what I found for "unicorn coloring page":
â‘¡ Print your image on the back of your sticker sheet of sparkly paper (on the non-sparkly-side).
â‘¢ Cut it out and peel the backing.
â‘£ Place two shishkabob sticks on the sticky side and place another sheet of colorful paper as backing. The shishkabob stickes will be sandwiched between the stciker paper and the regular backing paper. Trim around edges.
⑤ Voilà ! Bake a cake and now you're all set!
Here are some yummy cupcakes I made to go a long with my magical cake! Look at the little flags made with washi tape and leftover sparkly sticker paper!
xo Natalie
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